Thursday, December 23, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse

My kids and I were fortunate to be able to partially witness a Total Lunar Eclipse on 12/21/2010.  In the wee hours of the morning, my son and daughter and I bundled up, placed blankets on the lawn and laid out there with our cameras to see what we could see.  We watched off and on from about 1:00am to 3:15am.  Overall it was a very cloudy night and we missed a lot of it.  But we got a real good glimpse of the beginning of the eclipse. My daughter marvelled at the brightness of the full moon.  My son expressed amazement at the entire concept of planets moving.  From what I have read, there hasn't been a Total Lunar Eclipse in the Northern Winter Solstice since 1638.  Check out Wikipedia to Learn More...

Witnessing the awesome power of the Creator with my kids, was a true blessing and celebration. 
...Laying on the lawn & being weird in our hood...creating memories...Priceless

Winter Solstice

Thanks for reading!


Monday, December 20, 2010

12 Days of Natural Hair!

I took a popular Holiday song and changed the words around a little!! the tune of 12 Days of Christmas!!
Sing it with me!!

On the 1st day of my journey my true love gave to me
a big bottle of Jo-jo-ba Oil!

On the 2nd day of my journey my true love gave to me
2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 3rd day of my journey my true love gave to me
3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 4th day of my journey my true love gave to me
4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 5th day of my journey my true love gave to me
5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 6th day of my journey my true love gave to me
6 Ouchless head bands, 5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 7th day of my journey my true love gave to me
7 Natural Hair Shows, 6 Ouchless head bands, 5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 8th day of my journey my true love gave to me
8 different conditioners, 7 Natural Hair Shows, 6 Ouchless head bands, 5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 9th day of my journey my true love gave to me
9 Protective Styles, 8 different conditioners, 7 Natural Hair Shows, 6 Ouchless head bands, 5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 10th day of my journey my true love gave to me
10 Bantu Knots, 9 Protective Styles, 8 different conditioners, 7 Natural Hair Shows, 6 Ouchless head bands, 5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 11th day of my journey my true love gave to me
11 YouTube Videos, 10 Bantu Knots, 9 Protective Styles, 8 different conditioners, 7 Natural Hair Shows, 6 Ouchless head bands, 5 lbs of Raw Shea Butter!! 4 Rat Tail Combs, 3 satin bonnets, 2 Afro Picks & a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

On the 12th day of my journey my true love gave to me...
12 com-pli-ments
11 YouTube Videos
10 Bantu Knots
9 Protective Styles
8 different conditioners
7 Natural Hair Shows
6 Ouchless head bands
5lbs of Raw Shea Butter!!
4 Rat Tail Combs
3 satin bonnets
2 Afro Picks
& a big bottle of Jojoba Oil!

Wishing you & yours a Safe, Blessed & Prosperous Holiday Season!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

AfroPuffs and Ponytails - Inspiring African American Girls!

A week ago my daughter and I had the pleasure of seeing ourselves featured on this fantastic website regarding Our Natural Kids.  When I tell you that this website is your ONE STOP shop for all things black girl related, you need to believe me.  Afro Puffs and Ponytails, Inc. is a non-profit organization created primarily for supporting and uplifting African American/Black Girls! Their website provides encouraging articles, events, program listings, and resources for African American/Black teen girls, young girls, and their parents.
AfroPuffs & PonyTails
Inspiring African American Girls

If you know anything about the real me or even if you have just been following my online persona, then you know that I believe that our beautiful baby girls are our most important resources for the future.  I have dedicated a very BIG part of my life towards encouraging young girls by providing information and resources that promote self esteem.  We are so honored to be mentioned on this website, I just had to come and share.

Please go there and check out our feature in the Hair Care for African American Girls' section
Our Natural Kids - An Active Natural Hair Network for Parents

and please save the following link to your favorites so that you can return often.
AfroPuffs and PonyTails

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Ohm Body Hair Products ~ A Review

I had the pleasure of reviewing a new product recently and I wanted to tell you all about it! 
Ohm Body Products is a company that makes products for the Body and for the Hair.  Their products are 100% Pure and Natural. They SMELL Great!! and I especially love the fact that the ingredients list on each of the products that I tried start with:  Love, Wisdom and Patience (Or variations of that!)

Products to be reviewed:  Sweet Hair Pudding, Hydrating Hair Milk, Herbal Conditioner

You know what?? I can show you better than I can type all of it!  So here...check out my video review!


To Learn more about Ohm Body Products go to

Thanks for reading!

Peace :-)