Two years ago I went on a mission to replace all of my handbags with designer bags. I did it by color, first replacing my black bags with real leather bags. Then I moved to the browns, reds and miscellaneous. Why? I don't know. A friend of mine got me a Coach bag as a gift and I've been hooked ever since. My other bags simply paled in comparison. Now I am obsessed with recreating my collection with designer or designer looking alternatives and I must say... I'm having a ball! Here are a few of my favorite finds so far!
Coach Zoe (Gun Metal) |
Coach Soho (Chestnut Brown) |
Coach Pleated Soho (Black) |
I simply adore all of these bags and the 3 colors match pretty much everything I have. I got them all at a Coach Outlet so they were all heavily discounted. The leather is soft and amazing. These are not enormous bags, which I like. I feel that they can all be carried during any season.
Michael Kors Tote (Cheetah/Canvas) |
I love a little animal print in the summers and this MK Canvas bag is light weight and perfect for warmer months. TJ Maxx is where I found this lovely tote.
Jessica Simpson Satchel (Navajo) |
Nothing like a little faux fur to spice up your winter. This bag is fun.. and it holds a lot! Another gem that was found at TJ Maxx.
Well I am off to hunt for more bags!
Thanks for reading